1511 Highway 62 E
Mountain Home, AR 72653
Mon-Fri  9AM-5:30PM
Sat  9AM-3PM

Explore Jet Board - Icebreaker

The new Radinn product line is truly both radical and innovative. It’s a fully modular and connected system, with three main components. Boards, jet and battery that combined make for a new thrilling kind of surfing experience. 

Q. How hard is it to ride the Explore board? It's fairly easy to get going but takes a bit of time to master, like any other water activity. Most riders stand up controlling the board within 30 minutes of trying it for the first time!
Q. What's included? For every complete order you'll receive a charger, one pair of fins, a wireless hand controller and a board leash. Everything you'll need to go Jetboarding!
Q. How much does the board weight? It depends on the board. The Explore board weighs about 59lbs.

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