1511 Highway 62 E
Mountain Home, AR 72653
Mon-Fri  9AM-5:30PM
Sat  9AM-3PM

2024 TIGE 24RZX

Expand your expectations with the 24RZX. Exuding confidence, its razor edge design is complemented by its distinct lines and lush double diamond stitching. With a culmination of our latest advancements, the 24RZX goes big, not just in size but in performance, surf waves, luxury, storage, and freeboard. If you crave power, state-of-the-art technology, and want to stand out - the 24RZX is the boat for you.The 24RZX is a thrilling union of sport and luxury. The GO System allows you to keep your wave long and mellow while you’re learning your way around the wave, or take it all the way steep to experience an endless ocean-worthy wave. With the 24RZX, you can guarantee that good times and epic barrels come standard.
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